Sunday, May 19, 2013

What a week!

I'm a little delinquent in posting, but I have managed to squeeze some crafting in amidst the hubbub. I'm finally working on the second Christmas stocking for me and Ryan, using this adorable pattern. I had to take a break after the first one, but since Thursday I've gotten the second one all the way to setting up for the heel. I have no idea how it's going so much faster than the first.

Yesterday was the first day of a long weekend jammed packed with events. We are celebrating the 20 years of service our retiring president has given the Fuller community, starting with this ~1000-person picnic! Fun times. I was the assistant to the search committee that selected the new president, so I was well-positioned to help the president's executive assistant with some of the event preparations over the last couple of weeks. I did that basically full time last week, hence the lack of crafting photos.

Last night was also a wonderful dinner with the search committee. It was a time to reflect on this incredible year and to celebrate the outcome together. I was personally so blessed to see how many of the individuals on the committee are personally interested in where I will go next, and I was a bit overwhelmed (in the very best way) by all the help and advice I was offered. It feels so good to have been offered some concrete steps to take to help me figure out exactly what it is I want to do!

Today I will help set up for the board meeting, which is also this weekend, as well as attend a committee meeting. Tomorrow, I have the privilege of attending the board meeting as a member of the student government. I have learned so much at these meetings over the past two years. It is truly an honor to be able to see such strong and passionate leadership at work.

I definitely have some reflections to share on what I've learned so far this weekend, but for those who are reading and wondering where I've gotten off to... time flies when you're having fun (and/or organizing events for hundreds of people)!

Stay tuned for another baby bird post too! They are growing unbelievably fast, I think they've doubled in size again over the last few days.

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